Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Colorless Chill in the Air

I always have my camera in hand- it seems as though it is now part of my body.  I also learned I have certain photo styles that I like better than others.  While editing, I find that I am drawn to black/white.  I think it's because color distracts a person from seeing what is really in the photo.  It forces a person to look at the subject in the photo instead of juding the colors that it has created.

Take the photos below for example:  In the photo with color, your first impression is to take in Drew's blue hat and then discover the rest of the photo.  Below that are black/white photos - notice a difference?  Maybe you are drawn to the eyes first?  The expressions on their faces?  Notice the beauty in Black and White...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Little Birthday Boy :: Age 2

Drew is turning two on Monday.  I am so happy to see him grow, but sad at the same time that it is going so fast.  From the first minute that he was born, I knew that he was what was missing from our family. 

Little boys are treasures
Who are worth their weight in gold.
And charm everyone around them
From the time they're minutes old.

They're Mommy's little darling,
They're a special pal to Dad,
And they bring the very happiest days
A family's ever had.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daddy's Big Buck :: Deer Season 2011

Jeff got a buck this morning behind our house.  It was just pushing daylight when he shot it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011